3 reasons to prioritize mycotoxin mitigation in your poultry complex.
It’s widely known in the poultry industry that mycotoxins found in feed can have significant negative effects on performance, efficiency and profitability. As researchers dive deeper into understanding the physiological effects of feeding mycotoxins, we’re also beginning to understand what’s happening inside the bird to cause decreased performance. As our understanding expands we are learning more about why mycotoxin mitigation is so important.
Why should mycotoxin mitigation be a priority for your operation? Here are three reasons:
1. The odds of mycotoxins being present in feed are higher than you think.
More than likely, there are mycotoxins present in your birds’ feed. Research shows that 88% of feed samples worldwide test positive for at least one mycotoxin. About 64% of feed samples test positive for more than one mycotoxin.* These statistics show that feeding mycotoxins is almost unavoidable. Because of the uneven distribution of mycotoxins, it’s difficult to know if feed is completely mycotoxin free, and we need to be proactive in mitigating the effects of mycotoxins in birds. -
2. Negative physiological effects of mycotoxins are preventable.
In a recent study, broilers were fed diets co-contaminated with three different mycotoxins: deoxynivalenol (DON), zearalenone (ZEA), and aflatoxins (AFL).* Findings showed that the birds fed mycotoxin contaminated diets had poor antioxidant status and compromised gut integrity, enabling translocation of pathogenic bacteria and toxins. It also had a negative effect on gut morphology and vaccine titers, all of which led to decreased productivity and efficiency. Notably, birds fed a diet supplemented with the mycotoxin mitigation product maintained their performance and antioxidant status, even when consuming diets contaminated with mycotoxins at the same level. The product was also shown to help reduce signs of oxidative stress and improve birds’ immune status.* -
3. Controlling mycotoxins has on overall effect on food quality and safety.
From a food safety perspective, aflatoxin-contaminated meat parts are a major risk to human health.* Findings showed that feeding mycotoxin contaminated diets increased deposition of aflatoxin B1 residue in the liver and supplementation with the mycotoxin mitigation product decreased aflatoxin B1 residue in the liver even when diet contaminated with mycotoxins was fed. The ability to get ahead of aflatoxin residue concerns during live production reduces that risk and ensures a safer poultry purchase for consumers.
The bottom line: mycotoxin mitigation is a win-win situation. With the right mycotoxin mitigation strategy and the help of a mycotoxin mitigation product, you can protect your birds’ productivity and the integrity of your products, ensuring a safe food supply. BG-MAX™ from ARM & HAMMER™ delivers the benefits of Refined Functional Carbohydrates™ (RFCs™) to help your birds take on mycotoxins and win, regardless of feed source.
To learn more about mycotoxin mitigation, be sure to listen to Dr. Jalukar’s recent episode of Food Chain Chats or contact your ARM & HAMMER representative today.
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About Dr. Sangita Jalukar |
Dr. Sangita Jalukar has extensive experience across the poultry production industry. She currently serves as a senior technical services manager at ARM & HAMMER™ where she is involved in the development of new products, conducting multi-species research trials and providing technical assistance to the field sales teams. Dr. Jalukar received her B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Maharaja Sayajirao University in Baroda, India, and earned a post-doctoral fellowship from the University of Iowa. |
*References cited available upon request.