Achieving whole herd productivity at swine operations.
There’s nothing more encouraging—or profitable—for your operation than a healthy, productive sow. Unfortunately, the opposite also holds true. Non-productive days (NPDs) are costly, causing an economic hit that only worsens with each passing NPD. Longer wean-to-estrus (WEI) intervals. Lower pregnancy rates. Piglet weight variations. The impact of mycotoxins. The threat of diarrhea and other issues. It’s a discouraging list of setbacks that could create ripple effects across your entire herd—and subtract dollars from your bottom line.
Success starts with the sow.
A fully prepared immune system would help your sows build resilience ahead of challenges, rather than forcing you to deal with any of their costly impacts. Imagine how much there is to gain in whole herd health and productivity simply by reducing WEI and improving sow breeding rates—and those are just two of many advantages.
Nursery phase advantages.
Another benefit of building a sow’s overall immune function: its impact on piglets during the nursery phase. By staying ahead of productivity-robbing challenges, you can significantly reduce antimicrobial use during this phase. Clearly, there are many benefits to improving a sow’s immune function—provided you can find a way to make that happen.
Advantage: Refined Functional Carbohydrates™.
Refined Functional Carbohydrates™ (RFCs™)—available in CELMANAX™—help animals cope with challenges before they become bottom-line threats. By delivering highly bioavailable RFCs, CELMANAX has proven itself to be an ideal solution for promoting sow productivity, supporting the immune system, and helping pigs consistently meet target weight goals.
Trusting the numbers.
Research shows that CELMANAX provides tangible whole herd health and productivity benefits:
- Sow productivity. In a study of 240 sows, CELMANAX fed 35 days post-breeding through the end of lactation resulted in no significant sow body weight loss at the end of weaning, reduced the wean-to-estrus interval by up to 1.5 days and improved the percentage of sows bred in the first seven days to 97–100% (Figs. 1 and 2).1
- Piglet weight gain. Sows fed CELMANAX had piglets with increased weight at weaning.1,2,3,4,5,6,7 And it has been shown to increase average piglet 10-day, weaning and end of nursery phase body weight when compared to zinc oxide.8
- Immune function. Studies have also shown that CELMANAX may help improve immune function and provide benefit for weaned pigs during an immune challenge.9
Get every whole-herd-productivity-enhancing detail.
We are ready, willing and eager to share complete details about the whole herd benefits available with CELMANAX. Contact us to learn more about the science behind RFCs and how they can help improve your bottom line.
READY TO LEARN MORE?Want to learn more about what our #ScienceHearted team can do for your operation? Fill out the form below and one of our experts will be in touch shortly. |
1 CELMANAX fed to sows helps improve piglet performance and subsequent breeding performance under commercial conditions. R. Thompson, et al. (2019) Presented at Midwest ASAS meeting in Omaha. CELMANAX Research Notes S-93.
2 Hung IF, Lindemann MD. Evaluation of CELMANAX on Performance of Sows and their Weaned Pigs. Research Bulletin S-62.
3 Peng Ma, Guozhu C, Jalukar S. Evaluation of CELMANAX SCP supplementation in sow diets on piglet performance at weaning. J Anim Sci 2013;91, E-Suppl. 2.
4 Ecuador CELMANAX sow trial. Report on file.
5 Brazil CELMANAX sow trial. Report on file.
6 CH1901 Report on file.
7 CELMANAX Swine Research Notes S-96, Jalukar, et al. (2019) presented at Zero Zinc Summit in Copenhagen, Denmark.
8 CELMANAX fed in lactation diets to sows and in creep and starter diets to piglets reduces the dependency on zinc oxide for performance. CELMANAX Research Notes S-94. 2018. Data on file.
9 Presented at 2008 ADSA-ASAS Joint Annual Meeting, 2008 and published in the Journal of Animal Science Volume 86, E-Supplement 2. Research Bulletin S-52.